Attention men who are ready to live porn-free! This FREE 1.5-Hour Exclusive Workshop Reveals…

How to live PORN-FREE and Use Quitting Porn As The Catalyst for SELF-MASTERY...

without having to walk the path alone!

Date: Feb 8th, 2025 | Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM US/Eastern

Join me for this LIVE Workshop on Saturday February 8th @ 10:00am EST

And learn how to use quitting porn as a catalyst for building a life of purpose, freedom, and fulfillment.

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In This FREE Workshop…

You Will Learn...

  • How to navigate the urge to use porn and how to direct your energy into what is in alignment.
  • How porn-use is related to your unregulated nervous system, and how to stay regulated and grounded.
  • You'll learn my personal porn-free method to live grounded, emotionally resilient, intimately connected, and deeply aligned with your purpose.
  • And so much MORE!

So many men want out. You can cut yourself loose from porn, brother. I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this Workshop.

Who This Workshop Is Really For

This is For YOU if…

  • If you are ready to use quitting porn as a catalyst for your self-mastery journey.
  • If you are eager to walk alongside men who are committed to making a positive dent in the universe. If you are ready to TRANSFORM while experiencing the medicine of brotherhood.
  • If you are ready to live empowered, free and fulfilled. A brother of mine says... "Walking with your head UP & your heart FORWARD." 

This is NOT For YOU if..

  • If you are comfortable with your porn addiction and prefer to ignore its catastrophic effects on you, other men, women, children and the world.
  • If YOU are cool with being "normal" in a world run by weak men, and you don't want to be surrounded by real men who do the work.
  • If you don't want to find out what's on the other side of your porn habit. If you're not fully willing to take a good hard look to actualize your self-transformation.

If you’re ready to take things to the next level and learn how you can build & live a life of purpose, freedom, and fulfillment, then you get to be in this FREE Workshop!

"Porn makes strong men weak, and weak men dangerous."

- David | No Man's Land Men's Work

"2 years ago, I was stuck using porn everyday, giving it my energy. I was unclear of my purpose and disconnected from my values"

Hey there, I say that to show you what kind of personal change is possible through this work. I know intimately what it is to be trapped by porn (even when I didn't think that was the case)… And after years of navigating life like that… I CHOSE to face myself and enact change. And along this path of self-mastery, I discovered exactly what worked for me not only quitting porn, but living wholly in alignment. I found the keys that unlocked EVERYTHING for me…Because I do this work, I can gratefully say that

💪🏻 I effectively quit porn in October 2023 and I'll never go back… 👫 I’ve learned how to be deeply intimate with my partner, and therefore, experience all the fulfillment of our divine union...⚡️ I live wholly connected and aligned to my purpose…🫀I’ve RE-sesensitized myself and began healing from the catastrophic effects that porn has had on my mind, body and soul...
🧘🏼‍♂️ I’ve learned what it truly means to be grounded and fulfilled through integrating the tools for nervous system regulation (The foundation for all inner work).
And I’m inviting YOU and a group of amazing men to join me in this FREE 1.5-Hour Workshop to learn exactly how I got here… And how YOU can too! See you there man!💚  

My name is David Bokser...

...and I have been porn-free since October 2023! It has been a beautiful, painful, difficult, and sometimes graceful inner journey. A journey I am wildly grateful for. Facing my porn addiction, and the messy behaviors, traumas and thought patterns underneath it, has been my deepest transformation yet. What happened when I committed to self-examination was a new form of self-mastery. I took a good hard look at myself and made a commitment to breaking free from porn addiction. Breaking free from porn had so much more to do with my body, my past traumas, my relationship to power, my lack of confidence, my fear of intimacy, and my own connection to purpose than I ever thought possible. So, breaking free from porn unexpectedly unlocked EVERYTHING for me. And I KNOW that what I've gone through can be a roadmap for men ready to walk that same path: Quitting porn as a catalyst for great transformation. When it came to porn use, I wanted out. And I got out. Do you want out, brother?